Full speed through the summer UPDATE

There’s a lot of movement this summer. Going through the Spoga 2020 can be compared to a soap bubble. As expected, this bubble has burst. However, the new catalogue is scheduled independently of the trade fair.

The trade fair planning

There were plans for a possible trade fair stand that would have surprised visually. We will now reveal this little secret in June 2021. We will see whether we have to stick to the planned hygiene measures then. In future we will be less naive in our trade fair planning than we have been up to now. The Corona crisis clearly shows us that we should not hold on too tightly to pillars such as a Spoga date at the beginning of September. Everything is different, and that also applies to the scheduling of the fair.

The new catalogue

The front page, the topics on the introductory pages and the product range are coordinated and in the process of implementation. Many departments are involved in checking the texts, the logistical data and the image material. Step by step we are approaching the print-ready version. As every two years, our catalogue goes to press in August. With an expected 84 pages, we will remain at the level of 2018. The catalogue will be a really round thing – a green round thing!

The green wind

There is more to our FLASH brand than just the passion for lighting. We all bear a responsibility for our environment and for the next generations. The new catalogue will show another facet of our brand. The green tailwind described last can already be clearly seen on the design of the front page. The tension is rising…